Become a volunteer!

Volunteering is a great way to help your community and those around you, but did you know that volunteering has individual benefits as well? In fact, volunteering has been shown to improve self-esteem, help to build bonds, and learn new skills. Below are a few more reasons that volunteering could be just the thing you need!

  • Volunteering helps your physical health, including decreasing the likelihood of high blood pressure by almost 38.
  • Those who regularly volunteer have a 25% better chance of finding a job (60% of hiring managers see volunteering as a valuable asset).
  • Volunteering has been proven to reduce the risk of depression, especially for individuals 65 and older.
  • 93% of all volunteers report enjoying it, and 90% reported a personal sense of achievement.
  • Volunteering helps to eliminate isolation and loneliness; it also helps you to make new friends and become immersed in your community.
  • According to Western Connecticut State University, “Studies have found that those who volunteer have a lower mortality rate than those who do not, even when considering factors like the health of the participants. Volunteering has also been shown to lessen symptoms of chronic pain or heart disease."

If volunteering for the first time, please complete Volunteer Waiver form and submit to HFMC staff. 


What it takes to be a volunteer

Volunteers are the foundation upon which each home is built. You don't need experience in construction, just a heart to help. Our volunteers assist in a variety of ways: from bringing meals to building crews, serving on committees, praying for our Partner Families, staffing our ReStore, and working at the build sites. Take the first step and register to volunteer, and we'll find the perfect place for you to help that utilizes your individual strengths and skills.


Fill out a volunteer form or call the office to schedule yourself or your group to help at a build site. Working at a build site could be cleaning up the property and getting it ready for a family to move in, bringing the crew breakfast or lunch, or strapping on a tool belt and swinging a hammer.


Our ReStore is mostly staffed by volunteers. Their contribution helps our chapter fund more building projects. Our volunteers collect donations, clean and repair donated items, stock shelves, and help the shoppers locate items or check out at the register.


If your strength is organization, a good fit for you might be one of our committees here in Madison County! We are looking for people to sit on the following committees: Marketing, Volunteers, Family Selection, Church Relations, and Family Relations.

Other Ways to Help


Please pray for Habitat for Humanity of Madison County, our volunteers, our Partner Families and potential families, our staff and Board of Directors and their committees.



Become a voice for our organization by liking us on Facebook, by staying in contact with us, and by sharing our information in your social media, your workplaces, and your churches.